Prior to learning about topic 2, I was wondering about the quality assurance of resources in Open Learning platform. However, at the completion of Topic 2, I feel that my perceptions towards open learning has changed- it is not that bad after all! I analyzed the concept of quality assurance in relation to openness learning in-depth. The key advantages of quality assurance in terms of openness learning are: it is systemic where open learning can be accessible by many despite of distance (just like our ONL 211 learning platform) and it is characterized as an industrialized form of learning. In the context of UK, several strategies are in place to ensure quality of open education: eg. Open University, UK, where there is an implementation of developmental testing of course materials before making them available publicly  (Nathan and Henderson, 1977). However, there are some complexities in ensuring quality of open learning in the perspectives of learner, educator, and institution. According to Tait (1993), “quality is what the customer wants and not what the institution decides is best for them”. Some questions that strike my mind as I weighed the pros and cons of openness learning are, (1) how do to we successfully ensure quality assurance by aligning the values of individual stakeholders? Is it possible to align everyone’s values and needs strategically in a complex and changing world (post-pandemic world)?

Openness Learning: Weighing the Pros & Cons of Quality Assurance