Scenario:I have just signed up to do an online course and I am excited to be there. But I have little experience of online courses and it feels really challenging to get started to connect and find my way with all these new sites and tools. I guess that other participants will be more experienced than me and I feel stupid asking about things. We are asked to create a Learning blog on the web; it feels a bit scary to do this. I do share things on Facebook with friends, but here, in the open? I want to keep my private life separate from my professional life. But on the other hand, my students seem to share and discuss all sorts of things in social media and use all kinds of tools and resources.”

The given scenario stated above brings up the problem of participation in digital literacy. Based on our research in group PBL4, we ended up with three important questions and found some solutions/conclusions regarding them.

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Reflection on Online participation and digital literacies