
Topic 5- Individual reflection on lesson learnt- future practice

The ONL online course was very engaging and provided a platform for collaborative learning. Personally speaking, I enjoyed the course, meeting new people and learning new knowledge and tools together. Though it was a bit confusing situation in the beginning regarding the meeting schedule of the PBL group but later it snyched very well. Overall it was a collaborative effort where in everyone got an opportunity to express their views and perspectives on each topic. The scenarios provided for each topic in the FISH document was really helpful to focus and investigate further and share the same in the group and community. Also, the FISH document helped me to go beyond the meeting hours and add value to the group discussion. It was a connecting channel to the group and to our thoughts.

The topic one, Online participation and digital digital literacies, really helped me to understand the aspects of insecurity, safety and trust in an online environment. Additionally the webinar on digital literacies with David White and Jörg Pareigis helped to deeper into it. In this discussion, I liked the socio-technical framework of trust-inducing factors (Wang, 2014) such as credibility: prior positive experience with the online learning, design: high information and design quality of the online system, instructor socio-communicative style: a sense of care and community created by the instructor, and privacy and security: disclosure of understandable and adequate privacy and security policy statement and use of security mechanisms.

The topic two, Open learning-sharing and openness, made me to question about the quality and sharing of educational materials as open source. This topic enriched me in terms of understanding open learning through open access to learning resources, quality and pedagogical impact, creative common license and broader collaborative community. Further these learning helped me to thing about the barriers in accessing OER, how to ensure quality framework for the development and evaluation of OER, and what are the right ways to publish my work (creative common licenses). Additionally, the workshop on creative commons licenses with Jörg Pareigis, provided a very good piece of knowledge and practical application to OER.

What interested me in the topic three learning in communities is the aspect of learning together collaboratively. Further the topic, helped me to focus and investigate further the aspects of formal and informal learning, evaluating collaborative process and shared responsibility. My teaching mostly involves team work and I could very much relate with the challenges and dynamics of the group and the challenges of assessment.

The topic four Design for online blended learning provided more clairy on the difference between hybrid and blended learning, pedagogical frameworks and learning practices, integration of GAI and referencing, synchronous and asynchronous learning. Here I could learn few GAI tools and explored the possibilities that how it could be applied in my course or content preparation.

Finally the topic five Lessons learnt-future practice was fun, playing in the ONL242 island. It was a nice interactive exercise where in we got opportunity to reflect my learning during the ONL242 course (4 weeks). I feel the most valuable insight the group have had from ONL is meaningfulness cooperation. Overall the aspects of collaborative learning and learning from each other became the focus point of the group. One take away with this ONL242 course is comfortable and flexible learning. Finally, the question is what is next. I love to connect with the team and continue to engage in discussion in the future.

Overall, it was a smooth sailing with lot of good stuffs to learn and I believe that I can put into practice in my future learning and teaching activities. My group members and the facilitators made the journey happier and meaningful. Cheers!



Wang, Y. D. (2014). Building student trust in online learning environments. Distance Education, 35(3), 345-359.

Topic 5- Individual reflection on lesson learnt- future practice