
Topic 5- Individual reflection on lesson learnt- future practice

Topic 5- Individual reflection on lesson learnt- future practice The ONL online course was very engaging and provided a platform for collaborative learning. Personally speaking, I enjoyed the course, meeting new people and learning new knowledge and tools together. Though it was a bit confusing situation in the beginning regarding the meeting schedule of the […]


It no doubt that money can solve 98.99% of the problem we faced today. For instance, in order to curb load shedding, the country need 5 more power stations in order to supply enough energy and so on. However, the challenges that faced our people in our communities like teenage pregnancies, the drug use, the … Continue reading SOME OF OUR PROBLEMS NEED NO CAPITAL BUT STRONG LEADERSHIP


This is me …

A coach, a mentor, a mother, a wife, a sister, a daughter, a niece, an adult educator, a learning designer, and a lifelong learner. Like many of you, I wear many hats, some comfortably nestled within one another, others fighting to take centre stage. Learning reclaimed its prime spot in my life some four years ago when I took the plunge into adult education. I …


Creative Commons for Education

Google is to web search, as Kleenex is to facial tissue. In fact, having googled the answer myself, I found out that google, the verb, is a proper English term. It has been since 2006. according to this article on Wired.com. We appreciate the efficiency and accuracy of the Google algorithm to get us the resources we want. Next, we select the ones relevant to …


Multilingual co-teaching is time consuming but might be worth the time…

I continue my learning experience on ‘Internationalization‘ and ‘Language policies‘ through the pedagogical course ‘YA2 International and Collaborative Environment‘ provided to the personnel of the University of Helsinki. Our group-assignment this week was to write a blog on a topic of our choice, but related to language diversity. At the University of Helsinki, the official … Continue reading Multilingual co-teaching is time consuming but might be worth the time…