
Internationalization of the curriculum

This fall I am joining a pedagogical course on International and Collaborative Environment at the University of Helsinki ( The goal of the course is to give us a better understanding of the challenges of internationalization, and diversity in our institutions and our classrooms. We are gonna discuss diverse topics related to this theme through … Continue reading Internationalization of the curriculum


How do I design a written exam for my online course?

The current situation with the Covid-19 pandemic has forced us all to adjust and adapt our teaching and examinations. Campus courses have been turned into online distance courses overnight. One issue that has been widely discussed and debated among the colleagues at University is: How do we design written examinations for online courses? Under normal …

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The show goes on..:)

According to plan I should have been in Maputo now, busy lecturing and interacting with a group of students taking a course in Resource Assessment as part of a MSc programme in Environmental Engineering at Eduardo Mondlane University in Maputo, Mozambique. The current situation with both UEM and my home university Malardalen University in Sweden …

Continue reading The show goes on..:)

Open Pedagogy

The idea of open in higher education has multiple interpretations, and a considerable lack of clarity, partly due to the use of varied terms such as the Open Educational Resources (OERs), Massively Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Open education, Open lear…

SOUTH AFRICA IGNORE EARLY WARNINGS OF CORONAVIRUS. A biggest failure of intelligence in our lifetime.

Our little information about intelligence community especially foreign counter intelligence is to alert the country about any possible dangers that can harm the country at large. We always thought we are safe given the structure of National Intelligence Agency (NIA) predecessor State Security Agency (SSA) which consist of domestic and foreign unit whose main roles … Continue reading SOUTH AFRICA IGNORE EARLY WARNINGS OF CORONAVIRUS. A biggest failure of intelligence in our lifetime.


Eastern Cape is one of the provinces in South Africa that has not detected any COVID 19 virus to its 6.25 million people. According to health Spokesperson in that province, this is not because EC has drastic or strict measures to fight this disease that has already took lives of more that 12 000 people … Continue reading EASTERN CAPE MUST QUARANTINE ITS BORDERS TO AVOID EASTER WEEKEND HORROR.


The (delightfully) macabre stories of host behavior manipulations by parasites

Are you truly the master of your own behaviors? This lecture presents some examples that may make you think twice! I presented this lecture to acquire the title of Docent in Biology from the Lund University, Sweden. The aim was for my peers to judge my teaching competences, and for me to convey a message … Continue reading The (delightfully) macabre stories of host behavior manipulations by parasites


Teaching Symbiosis in Yaoundé, Cameroon

I went to Cameroon to develop international relationships with potential local collaborators. I visited the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the Congo Basin Institute (CBI, affiliated to UCLA in USA), which are two well-implanted Institutes in the Yaoundé region. And I visited the University of Yaounde 1, department of animal biology, to give … Continue reading Teaching Symbiosis in Yaoundé, Cameroon