It no doubt that money can solve 98.99% of the problem we faced today. For instance, in order to curb load shedding, the country need 5 more power stations in order to supply enough energy and so on. However, the challenges that faced our people in our communities like teenage pregnancies, the drug use, the … Continue reading SOME OF OUR PROBLEMS NEED NO CAPITAL BUT STRONG LEADERSHIP
SOUTH AFRICA IGNORE EARLY WARNINGS OF CORONAVIRUS. A biggest failure of intelligence in our lifetime.
Our little information about intelligence community especially foreign counter intelligence is to alert the country about any possible dangers that can harm the country at large. We always thought we are safe given the structure of National Intelligence Agency (NIA) predecessor State Security Agency (SSA) which consist of domestic and foreign unit whose main roles … Continue reading SOUTH AFRICA IGNORE EARLY WARNINGS OF CORONAVIRUS. A biggest failure of intelligence in our lifetime.
Eastern Cape is one of the provinces in South Africa that has not detected any COVID 19 virus to its 6.25 million people. According to health Spokesperson in that province, this is not because EC has drastic or strict measures to fight this disease that has already took lives of more that 12 000 people … Continue reading EASTERN CAPE MUST QUARANTINE ITS BORDERS TO AVOID EASTER WEEKEND HORROR.
REFLECTING ON MY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT FROM ONL 181. Looking back from Digital literacy to Blended learning.
There is nothing important than continuous learning even if you have a double PhD. Everything that is new from you is news and you are going to learn something that you do not know. In my last blog, I am going to reflect on my past experience, learning as well as development and future application … Continue reading REFLECTING ON MY LEARNING AND DEVELOPMENT FROM ONL 181. Looking back from Digital literacy to Blended learning.
BLENDED LEARNING, (The future of online education in both basic and higher education institutions)
Universities have long been wrestling with the internet. On the one hand it represents a huge opportunity, in the shape of an enormous resource and new methods of delivery on the other it represents a huge threat, in the shape of an enormous resource and new methods of delivery. According to Morisson, (2016) online courses … Continue reading BLENDED LEARNING, (The future of online education in both basic and higher education institutions)
In nowadays, we observe a huge growth in classroom technology, and with it, the introduction of new learning methodologies. One example that encourages collaborative learning is padlet. According to Nuiteq, (2017) Collaborative learning makes students with different backgrounds, race, or up bringing, to work together. They come together in a setting that maybe would not … Continue reading WHY COLLABORATIVE LEARNING IMPORTANT?. Lets look at its benefits
ARE THERE ANY PROS and CONS IN USING OER? A deep reflection on open material.
Online resources may lie more in enabling our students’ learning experience than in saving time developing resources. The good news for teachers and students is that a new category of resources, open educational resources has emerged over the past several years, and some universities and teachers are finding that it can offer a lot of benefits … Continue reading ARE THERE ANY PROS and CONS IN USING OER? A deep reflection on open material.
Importance of Digital Literacy in the classroom. How important is it in nowadays?
Gone are the days when learning was solely achieved using pens, paper, books, Slate, globes and chalkboards in South Africa. In today’s world, various forms of technology are routinely found in elementary, middle and high school classrooms, including interactive whiteboards, desktop computers, laptop computers, tablets and smartphones. Source: Adapted from Belshaw. D (2014) accessed 08 … Continue reading Importance of Digital Literacy in the classroom. How important is it in nowadays?
It is without doubt that online education is the next big thing that the world will experience. Judging by the number of free and Open online courses on the web, people are free to learn anything, anywhere across the globe. People are able to go to their nine to five work and do their assignments … Continue reading IS ONLINE EDUCATION TO REPLACE TRADITIONAL LEARNING.
Let us look at the rationality of this statement not in a modest and selfish way. Yes Holland bench is better than Bafana bench. Why fly all the way to warm a bench here? Baxter and company must check first if they need an overseas player to play on the day. If not don’t bring … Continue reading RATHER MY SOFA THAN BAFANA’S BENCH
Kususela oko kwabakho unyulo luka wonke wonke ngonyaka ka 1994. Wonke umntu weli wabanethemba lokuba, iMpumelelo yeANC izakuzisa utshintsho kumntu wonke, ingakumbi kwabo ikati yayisakulala eziko. kwaqala kwakhona nokukhanya apho abantu nabo bekwazi ukuhlaba ikhwelo, bahlale tafileni nye noRhulumente babonisane ngenqubela phambili, nendlela ekungaphuculwa ngayo ubomi babo. Iqengqelekile iminyaka yafika kumashumi amabini nento, uxhuzula imakhala … Continue reading ANC MAYOHLUKANE NOKUBA ZIZICIMA-MLILO
Blaming government of South Africa is not a solution to our future. Blaming government is just like standing in a burning forest assuming that you are not going to be burnt because you are not a tree. South Africa has more than necessary funding schemes for ourselves to start any business we want run. Lets … Continue reading LET US RATHER BLAME OURSELVES