It is without doubt that online education is the next big thing that the world will experience. Judging by the number of free and Open online courses on the web, people are free to learn anything, anywhere across the globe. People are able to go to their nine to five work and do their assignments in between break times. In that way, education is easy and accessible to everyone.

One of the biggest advantages of online learning is that companies offering them needs less office space compared to traditional classes. There is no need for a lecture hall that need desks and tables, but rather needs only fast internet connection. As long as students and their online lecturers can connect to internet. They can submit assignment anytime and anywhere across the world. Although traditional learning still have advantage of face to face with your teachers, they are becoming more expensive in the 21st century as the rent for office space keeps increasing.

Since most companies main goal is to maximize profit whilst minimizing costs. Online education is going to be their next big investment. To make people aware of online educations,  some companies have started registering their employees to do these courses free so that they can recommend them to others.

The one major feature lacking in traditional online education was that it was not as responsive to a students’ needs as was an in-person instructor. Now, adaptive technologies may be the solution to that problem. While many of these technologies are still in the making, some software and online platforms can adapt teaching material and strategies to individual learning needs, styles, and progress.

Sinako Mxabo