Thinking about blended learning in the Nursing Program
Topic 4. I'm trying to be a co-leader again. It went better this time so far even if we had to adjust some along the process. The improvements I made this time, were that I and leader Yuanye communicated in advance about the layout, published documents and sent information in several rounds. I was curious about Thinglink which    I have seen other groups use for their presentation. It was not as easy and useful as Miro but it´s nice to try something new. It´s a personal goal for me to get more and more used to different technology and this is easier to do in collaboration with others. I have done a lot of thing that I never thought I dare. My ICT educator at my University has been quite busy answering all my questions. Of all the things I have tried so far, Padlet and Miro are the ones I prefer most.
This topic was another important piece of the puzzle for me. What a great tip to record a short presentation (Cleveland-Innes, 2021) and then let participants fill in questions on the Padlet. This was probably the best seminar I ever attended. I took the chance and really got more information on the subject I was going to investigate. I have been thinking for a long time about how I can get support as a teacher in the change that the profession has undergone with Corona and what the future will entail. Dr. Cleveland-Innes addressed this topic at the webinar on April 28 and pointed out that there has been a cultural lag for some time. Faculties need to support teachers in this change and have people employed with knowledge of pedagogy and design. Even if you can’t force someone to change their teaching technique, teachers must be given time and opportunity to adapt.
I have been thinking a lot how I can apply all this knowledge about design in a course that I have the first semester of the nursing program. I have been drawing Salmons (2013) 5 steps in a previous blog and making a checklist (below this text) from Dr Cleveland- Innes previous webinar on the 28 th April as well as from Vaughan, Cleveland-Innes and Garrison (2013a) 7 principles and models for social, cognitive and teaching presence and design (2013b). Maybe a checklist can help me to start focusing on some things I can improve. I think the course organizers for ONL211, has really thought a lot about how the course is designed for our learning, and that is also a knowledge for me to see how others design a course.
Green means I´m doing it to some extend and red means I´m not doing that at all and that´s the first things for me to improve
Green means I´m doing it to some extend and red means I´m not doing that at all and need to improve the red marked first
Cleveland-Innes, M. (2021). (Video). Blended and online teaching and learning: Identifying pedagogical change in higher education. 

Salmon, G. (2013). The Five Stage model (Homepage).

Vaughan, N. D., Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, D. R. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. Edmonton: AU Press. Chapter 1 “The Community of Inquiry Conceptual framework”.

Vaughan, N. D., Cleveland-Innes, M., & Garrison, D. R. (2013). Teaching in blended learning environments: Creating and sustaining communities of inquiry. Edmonton: AU Press. Chapter 2 “Design”. / 

Reflections about Topic 4