So, we’re into the second week of topic 1 and you are probably beginning to find your feet. Sara Mörtsell’s webinar last week was attended by many and, as always, greatly appreciated – don’t forget that Sara will pop in to the main G+ community and respond to your questions now and then this week!
For this week, we have a tweetchat, already tomorrow, Tuesday 10 October, at 8-9pm (CEST). Tune in to Twitter, enter the course hashtag #ONL172 and take part in the discussion! Learn more about how on the event page!
The page for topic 1 is really looong and we’ve heard some of you had trouble finding the suggested resources. They are found in the yellow box at the very bottom of the page – a lot of scrolling will take you there!
Now – wish you all a brilliant week!
The course team