Hope you enjoyed the events of last week – the webinar on Wednesday and the tweetchat on Thursday, both lead by Alec Couros! Some of the questions discussed in the tweetchat were: “What are some strategies for building and maintaining an online learning network?”, “What are risks & benefits of participating in online learning networks re: being critical consumers of info (e.g. fake news)?” and “Outside of education, what are great examples of inspiring network collaborations that you have encountered?”. Really inspiring discussion and such good fun! If you missed it, have a look at the discussion here.
This week is Open Education Week, an event organized by The Open Education Consortium, presented like this: “Open Education Week’s goal is to raise awareness about free and open educational opportunities that exist for everyone, everywhere, right now. We want to highlight how open education can help people meet their goals in education, whether that’s to develop skills and knowledge for work, supporting formal studies, learning something new for personal interest, or looking for additional teaching resources.” Have a look at some of the events planned for the week here and why not join something that you find interesting?
Wish you all a terrific week!
The course team