These last two weeks have been super interesting for me in the ONL group, maybe because I was lead and co-lead with my awesome side-kick Patrik. But I have also learned a phenomenal amount on engagement and collaboration.
In one of our readings “Developing digital literates” (JISC) it states that:
Beetham and Sharpe’s framework (2010) describes digital literacy as a development process from access and functional skills to higher level capabilities and identity. However, this will change depending on the context so it also reflects how individuals can be motivated to develop new skills and practices in different situations (JISC).
The question that arises in my mind is: how do we keep people motivated and engaged in our group? How do we as facilitators support our group members in building an online identity that they feel comfortable enough to share what they know and what they don’t know.
I’m not sure I have the answers a this stage. Patrik and I really tried to engage our audience, get them to participate in asking questions, collaborate in document creation, and share their thoughts and insecurities. In some areas I think we did really well – especially when it came to the quality and depth of the content we as group came up with. But there is a little nagging little question in the back of my head that keeps on asking “are they really engaged or was our approach still to old school and a blend of instructivism and constructivism? Did we reach a level of connectivism that we need to make our online group work?

Honestly, I don’t think we are quite on a “connective” level as yet. I think we need to go back a step and try and “re-connect” and rebuild our group identity through reflection. Having said all that, I sure do think we are on the right track! The people in my group are phenomenal and each come with a wealth of insight and knowledge, that I honestly look forward to hearing and experiencing.
What has stuck with me the most this week is how important the “support” component is in “inspiring” others in the online learning space.
On that note – I’m signing off – Happy Sunday all.