One insight after practically attending the ONL course is who important it is to spend time to try to get a shared understanding of the scenario or the topic to investigate. If the group does not have a shared understanding, it is easy to either try to cover too much – try to do or learn everything – or you will be to wide and get a hard time to focus. So focus on focus…
It also require preperation. Both in leading the meeting – using different collaborative tools such as liberating structures (that you might need to adjust to the on-line space) – and to read some af the literature to be able to have informed conversations. Why? It helps be ing focused and to get to a shared understanding of the groups work together to up coming weeks.
Influence on my own learning?
The ONL course is not only about ONL, it is practicing ONL. That have been an experiece that have influenced me not only in my thinking, but also in my doing. I have noticed that I am thinking about inclusiveness when both designing online meetings AND in learning situations in education (online and physical). Online learning and blended learning (if I here include physical meetings) are here to stay! The opportunities that are enabled with online learning is remakable – so I will think more how to design learning that includes collaboration in a blended way.
How to develop eLearning further?
For me it is just by doing it! It is so easy to think about what I will do… rather then just do it! Go from knowing to doing is one way, but in this case I think – especially if someone is insecure – they need to do first and the knowing comes during the experience of practicing. But it is important to also have an non-cognitive support. I mean someone that supports you in your doing, encourage you, and will be there to help with the tool you use.
This was a fun and good experience – ONL222 – both in doing and learning. It gave me an understanding of what is important viewing from the participants perspective of an online learning course.