
The first topic for the course was “Online participation & digital literacies”. Here I want to share a few reflections about my own digital literacy, and the way that I try to use it in my own work as a researcher and teacher.

I would normally look at my self as a very digitally literate person. I communicate and collaborate frequently through digital tools and social media channels (including Google Docs, Dropbox, Twitter). I also set up my course module in “Adaptive Governance” in a course blog, (embedding videos from Youtube, audio, slides from via Slideshare, etc) for repeated years, just to give a few examples. In the words of White and Le Cornu (2011), I consider myself very much to be on the “resident” spectra of the online engagement spectra. 

From White, D. S., & Le Cornu, A. (2011). “Visitors and Residents: A new typology for online engagement”, First Monday, 16(9).

A few reflections in the very beginning of this online course have to do with change, structure and direction. First of all, I’ve come to realize that the digital ecosystem and the set of available tools is constantly changing. One tool that might seem like a perfect fit one year (say, Facebook groups or Skype), might only a few years later be seen as old and inappropriate compared to newer tools (Padlet, Zoom). Staying digital literate requires being comfortable in being in a constant learning process about available tools that work for you, and those you communicate with. Second, it is clear that these tools need to be embedded in some sort of structure that supports collaborative learning. The tools themselves are in fact just a small part of the prerequisites you need to consider. And lastly, there needs to be a clear direction for online collaborative learning. What is the end goal? How ambitious should your collaboration or learning goals be, e.g. considering the size of the group, the task at hand, the existing level of trust, etc?

In all, I might be a “digital resident”, but far away from an experienced digital educator. 

Topic 1. Online participation & digital literacies