The online teaching has one strong possibility in teaching: Openness. For me, when the pandemic hit, already the second week I was inscribed in several online courses, including one very interesting course on leadership in teaching environments from Harvard University. It was actually for HarvardX, the platform for MOOC, Massive Open Online Courses, where thousans of persons can inscribe at the same time. I felt this was an amazing oppurtunity to learn more, and was positively surpriced so many other persons around the world, could do the same thing at the same time. This is to strong positive side of Openness, the possibility to bring knowledge to a vast number of people in a well designed setting online.
In our group, we had good discussions on openness, and on privacy. And soon we found out, we are not so different in these matters. Even though our group had mostly Scandinavian participants, all members of the group agreed on that privacy is of great importance.
We decided to focus on two specific topics related to openness and sharing; How to open our your courses and how you can introduce openness to your students. The result became a mind map, nicely graphical presenting our thoughts on the matter:
Supportive literature
David Wiley, Cable Green: Why openness in education?
Creative Commons
OER Commons
Casserly. C.M & Smith, M.S. (2008). Revolutionizing education through innovation: can openness transform teaching and learning?
Jordan, Katy and Weller, Martin (2017). Openness and education: a beginner’s guide. Global OER Graduate Network.
Sandanayake, T.C. Promoting open educational resources-based blended learning. Int J Educ Technol High Educ 16, 3 (2019).
Wiley, D. (2006). Open Source, Openness, and Higher Education. Innovate: Journal of Online Education, 3(1),. Retrieved October 28, 2021 from
Open Educational Resources (OER)
Vivien Rolfe. Striving Toward Openness: But What Do We Really Mean?
Choudhury, B.R. (2018). Openness in Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning Environment. (8) Openness in Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning Environment | Request PDF (