Halfway through the course, we hope you have enjoyed the ride so far and learnt a lot!
Is 1+1=2 or is there more to it? The coming two weeks will be all about learning in communities, networking and collaboration. Most of us have experiences from group work, that for some reason hasn’t worked all that well. It may have turned out as cooperative rather than collaborative or there may have been social loafing involved. So – when it really works well, how does this change the way we learn? And networking, in this age of social media, how can this be used for learning and how can we build Personal Learning Networks (PLN) to support this? Is there a recipe for making collaborative work a fruitful experience?
We have some treats in store, for this week, a Tweetchat – and for next week, a webinar with Martha Cleveland-Innes. And for inspiration, may we suggest a peek at blog posts from former ONL participant and current co-facilitator, Kay Oddone; about network literacy, and about Twitter?
Wish you all a great week!
The course team