computer-2242264_1280.jpgImage by Engin_Akyurt from Pixabay

This week has seen the beginning of the ONL201 course – where my aim is to learn more about open online teaching and learning.

In my role as a Teacher Librarian, I have a particular interest in multiliteracies.  I am especially interested in digital and media literacies and how these can be taught in a high school context. My aim is to improve students’ understanding of these multiliteracies, as I see this as a skill that young people need more than ever. I agree with Kek and Huijser (2015) who advise that we must help facilitate students to “take risks, to reason critically, to reflect, to be resourceful, and to be autonomous” in their learning.

I look forward to learning more about design for online and blended learning, as this continues to be an important space for teaching and learning.


Kek, M & Huijser, H 2015, 21st Century Skills: Problem Based Learning and the University of the Future, paper presented at Third 21st CAF Conference, September, Harvard University, Boston, pp. 406-416.


Week 1 – Getting Started