Our current practice on the development of blended learning is uploading of pre-recorded video lectures via online learning platform followed by two hours of face to face tutorial every week. However, this method of blended learning has changed since the COVID-19 situation because our students are required to do home-based learning. We continue to upload pre-recorded lectures via the university on-line platform followed by two hours of e-tutorial with the lecturers via zoom or Microsoft team. Having gained knowledge on design for online and blended learning, I would like to take a new perspective in the design a course for online blended learning, taking guidance from Community of Inquiry Survey Instrument.
The Community of Inquiry Survey instrument consist of three categories; (1) teaching presence, (2) social presence and (3) cognitive presence.
In planning the design and organisation of the course, I would consider the following: communicate the relevance of the course topics to clinical practice. Concentrate on the ‘must know’ topics so as not to overwhelm the students. Provide clear instructions on learning objectives of each topic and how each topic aligns to the overall learning outcomes of the course. Organise the contents of each topic in a systematic and sequential manner from simple to complex and organise contents by topic or week. Communicate the date /time frame for each topic, allowing sufficient time for reading, discussion and assignment. Also, to provide essential reading materials towards achieving the learning outcomes of the course. In addition, to determine the number of interactive sessions sufficient to guide the students towards achieving the learning outcomes.
The role of the facilitator is to keep the students discussion focus on relevant issues, stimulate their critical thinking by thought provoking questions, engaged in productive dialogue using share screen, video conferencing , white board and chats. Provide timely feedback is useful in guiding students towards the learning outcomes of the course.
Online Blended learning can be challenging to some students. Getting to know every student and forming peer -support group can be helpful emotionally. Also, to acknowledge the challenge of online learning, allow students to ventilate their concerns while the facilitator provides an active learning support. Provide time for students to reflect on their work and to catch up with their learning and assignment.
We need to search for personalizing software. This would depend on the university policy regarding utilization of a particular online platform. Also, find out students’ experience of blended learning. Arrange for students to learn the online platform before course starts from an IT expert.