- What are the most important things that you have learnt through your engagement in the ONL course? Why?
I think that this course will grow on me. So much content to absorb and use when creating my next on-line course. I am somewhat overwhelmed, how will I be able to create courses that take into consideration all the things that we have read, talked about and reflected on? Another reflection is that this course have forced me to take time for reflection – and that has given me new insights. How often do I do that? Seldom, and I think that creating a quality course does take time – how can I do that? This constant lack of time – why? Time is all we have and I am inspired to use it well.
- How will your learning influence your practice?
Hopefully I will have more tools and better insights into how I can teach on-line. I will be better prepared to deal with students that have varied backgrounds, and come from different countries. I hope to invite a more diverse group of people to participate and influence the discussion. I would like to invite other voices to teach with me and also to invite new professions to participate in courses that traditionally have been given to those working in healthcare. These thoughts were not clear to me before the ONL-course. I feel inspired to change my practice.
- What are your thoughts about using technology to enhance learning/teaching in your own context?
Technology has a huge potential to enhance learning and teaching in my subject. But in order to have proper technology I need support of those that understand technology and how to use it in new and diverse ways. I would love to learn more about instructional design and create clear and varied instructional models.
- What are you going to do as a result of your involvement in ONL? Why?
I already have a plan for creating web-based courses. I will do more of blended learning instead of only on-line learning. I will try and create more evaluation of students by students and to encourage taking risks and making mistakes as part of the learning process.
- What suggestions do you have (activities and/or in general) for development of eLearning in your own teaching or context?
Since my subject matter is both theoretical and “practical” I need to have both lectures and student work that is videobased so that the whole body and interaction between people can be observed. I need to create instructional materials for assessment and treatment of physical disabilities and many different ways of analyzing results. There is a lack of educational materials in my field and I am inspired and much more positive to on-line learning then before starting the ONL-course.
What a unique and interesting course this was! I have met new interesting people and learned a lot. Last but not least I am thankful for our groups facilitators that have such a deep foundation in their knowledge of learning. Hopefully someday, I will meet some of my fellow students IRL!