Past weeks has been an interesting process of learning collaboratively with my ONL group. We decided on a theme and headed of into sharing and drawing knowledge with and from each other.

In terms of the model Teacher as Connected Professionals (1) I believe I have been moving mostly in the personal arena which “is the context in which teachers enhance their knowledge of self as a professional through interactions mediated by their [personal learning network]” (p. 107). Also I have been moving from the comfort of linking approach to networked learning towards stretching and amplifying. As a group I would say we mainly stretched and not quite amplified and generated new knowledgebased on Teachers practice in the Pedagogical Arena (1), probably because of the two week time frame and that the group is a fairly new construct.

Given the complexity in the mentioned model of arena and approach in different networked connections in short, combined with the complexity of being a person and being in a group with other person, I find hybridity (2) as a very useful mindset. I form or negotiate my lifeword (lebenswelt) (3) as a hybridity of internal and external assets, values, goal etc. One may be able to describe a given moment of hybridity, but given the constant change of environment, persons involved and experience development, there will be infinite combinations. Used as a dynamic, hybridity helps me include more of the whole complexity a person represent, and I think my ONL group collaboratively found a very useful framework of how to approach the complex other.

I appreciated the fact that our group discussion did not got stuck in personality discussion as with many other groups I have participated in. Experience from such is that it is more of a analytic statement than a way to move forward. Of course personality are an important aspect in and impact on collaboration, but the personality analytic of other is less important than my ability to bring the best out of others and myself in any given situation. So, what hybridity are we today and how can we make each other shine?

Oddone, K., Hughes, H., Lupton, M. (2019). Teachers as Connected Professionals: A Model to Support Professional Learning Through Personal Learning Networks.
Bauhn, P., & Tepe, F. F. (2016). Hybridity and agency: some theoretical and empirical observations. Migration Letters, 13(3), 350–358. Retrieved from
Bhabha, H. K. (1994). The location of culture. London: Routledge.
Burke, P. (2009). Cultural hybridity. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Prabhu, A. (2007). Hybridity : limits, transformations, prospects. Albany: State University of New York Press.
Lifeworld. Fetched 2019-11-16 from:

What hybridity are you today?