
        The Topic 1 subject was about online participation and digital literacies. We had an amazing webinar with David White, and in our PBL group we discussed about advantages to use digital tools and how to became a digital resident.

         David White in his videos (Video 1 and Video 2) introduced the concept about being a resident or a visitor in the digital world. Be a resident or a visitor is more related to motivation than to age, as thought initially.

      My Digital Map showed that I am mostly a digital resident, in both, in my personal life and institutionally.


          Well, I must confess that at the beginning of the Topic I was lost (sometimes, still are! Kkkkk). I was not sure what we had to do with our scenario, but then it worked very well! We made a PowToon video (Topic 1 PBL group 5). I

           In my point of view, we did collaborate just fine! I am still amazed of how well this work (I am used to work in online platforms, but not with each one in a continent).

          Another very interesting point to me was to get used with many different digital tools (and here I give a break to thank Thaiurie for bringing so many of them to us). I am an online person in my private life. In my teaching, I use regular tools and educational games (my major interest these days). I already had heard about some tools, like padlet, but did not know how rich this platform would be. I am already using some of these tools in my work, and presented Zoom to my collaborators in a project.

        My group, at the end of Topic 1, leaded by ours lovely facilitators (Lotta and Clive), evaluated our development during the tasks in a Padlet. It was nice to share and discuss our views after two weeks of work together.

        So far, I am enjoying being part of the course, and looking forward to keep learning.
       See you in Topic 2.
Where am I in this digital world?