
In topic two, I had a chance to learn about sharing and openness, and think about the pros and cons of openness in teaching and learning.

In a sense, like the visitor and residence continuum in the digital world, there is a continuum of sharing and openness.

I might be very open at times, as I publicly share my views and opinions about issues I consider important in my facebook or twitter account. At times, however, I can be resisting to openness. It was only a few months ago when I was unable to resist my friend who told me I absolutely had to have an page! 

When it comes to sharing my resources I am more open, I like sharing what I know, what I read, etc. I use others’ work, i.e. the literature, almost all the time, and I don’t see a problem with it as long as I cite them properly (which I believe i do). I am currently trying to get into blogging –besides this blog– so that I can share the information and knowledge I produce to the wider society. I cannot say I am good at it though, not yet!

Teaching in open platforms (OER repositories) sounds like a fascinating idea, especially for the purposes of integration, virtual mobility, and lifelong learning. As we have learned in the webinars and discussed in our groups, MOOCs are really important sources, they represent “a global movement” where individuals can be engaged in a variety of disciplines, in a variety of languages!

When it comes to issues of copyright issues, I believe I still need to learn. For instance, I want to use the photo (which I will) but then I am not sure if I am crossing any boundaries by doing so (hopefully not because I will share the link to the photo).

Slide 18 from Dean Shareski’s online lecture: Is Sharing a Moral Imperative?
Published on Nov 27, 2015
License: CC Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License

I think I am still rather skeptical towards getting a degree through online courses, but perhaps this is me getting older! ? I accept the benefits of MOOCs, but I do not believe it can replace the traditional lectures (at least not yet ? ).

All in all, it seems that I like the idea/approach of a space with a closed door but open windows! In any case, I am really interested in the concept of “digital pedagogy.” To me, it seems learning more about this concept and thinking of ways to improve it are inevitable for the teachers and lecturers of the digital age!


Topic 2: Open Learning-Sharing and Openness