We have investigated the power of learning in Communities and networked collaboration learning.
I felt the ONL212 Programme is organized perfectly. Firstly, it randomly sets up several groups from different faculties, universities, and countries in the world. Secondly we have to register and gain some experience of using different online learning tools, understand those tools’ pros and cons. Through the topic 1– Online participation & digital literacies and topic 2– Open Learning – Sharing and Opennessjourney to practice the problem-based learning strategies and FISH model to investigate the problems in the online learning by group members. Spending more than two months ofdiscussion and collaboration, we have built trust and sense of belonging within the group. Now it is the perfect time for Topic 3-Learning in Communities-Networked Collaborative Learning, we have discussed the difference between Communities and networked collaboration learning. We felt the communities can be our colleagues in the department or faculty or university. For us, group 7 is our small community.
We wanted to know the effort of promoting personal learning networks to students. We have discussed a set of relevant issues and solutions related to promoting personal learning networks to students. Correspondingly, we developed a flowchart to organise the different activities and highlighted the interconnections among them. We have used the free software Lucidchart which was introduced by Prof Antonio Cicchetti to create a diagram online and share our opinions to ONL communities. We have set up two intended goals which are active participation in individual and group activities and get new perspectives on how you and others learn. We want to establish group interactions to recognize the value of a learning network. We are applying problem-based learning assessment within group members to achieve collaboration. We set up open input tasks with short deadlines to push group members to search for information and share with each other about how they learned about a subject with collaborationtools. Engaging peer review, individual and group presentation / homework. We expected students to set up group agreement in the beginning. Applying flexible learning, keeping high level of motivation and self-inducted learning to build trust and promote open communication structure of collaboration. Finally to propose a solution of problem. We considered to collect some evidence for assessing the collaboration effects. Applying pre and post assessment evaluations and researching that solution works.
It is a pleasant journey when we finally finished a group task via the virtual zoom meetings.
Hope our ideas flow freely like clouds……