About myself
My name is Zaheera Cassim. I am from South Africa. I currently work at the IIE Varsity College in Midrand, Johannesburg. I am an educator by profession and moved on to specialize in computer integrated education during my post-graduate studies. I am passionate about ICT and enjoy exploring various e-resources and finding ways which they can be integrated into education.
What ONL means for my development
Being in the ICT field, I’m always interested to see how other institutions or people integrate ICT in their everyday teaching and learning. The country which I live in, South Africa, is still a developing country. Although we are exposed to ICT, integration within the education sector is rather limited.
Joining ONL means that I can gain insight as to how other countries approach and integrate ICT in their daily teaching and learning expeditions. Over and above, joining this course means I would improve my problem solving techniques as well as build relationships with other individuals from around the world.
I plan on continuing academic career and studying towards a PHd in 2021. This course will further assist by giving me ideas of what problems people are being faced with (in terms of ICT) and this may perhaps spark an interest.
My experience thus far on ONL has been great. I am working with people from Helsinki to Singapore. We are a rather diverse group, in terms of areas of specialization. This allows us to approach a problem while applying it to our context, reflecting independently and than merge our ideas into a powerhouse.