Some Pros and Cons of Online Classes Vs Traditional Classes

Prior to Covid-19, who would have thought that there was a whole different world of teaching available in the technology space. Educators were set in their ways accustomed to face to face contact classes, being able to make eye contact with students, interpret body language and use simple practices without needing much from the student.

Some Pros and Cons of Online Classes Vs Traditional Classes

Over time online digital tools have evolved substantially and I for one did not realise how much was available, it is almost scary? How will I know what works and what doesn’t? Will all tools work? Will I meet my goal, reach out to my students? Will they embrace it? So many unanswered questions. I had to take a step back and digest. I was pretty much new to all this and I realised I had a lot to learn and explore. As I started this journey on this course and was a part of a team, I realised that I was not alone?

There are several things to consider, but first and foremost what is digital literacy? According to wikipedia “Digital literacy refers to an individual’s ability to find, evaluate, and compose clear information through writing and other media on various digital platforms. ” I think that although individuals may know how to post content on platforms, they aren’t necessarily digitally literate. I learnt that this is true as the topic progressed and my team had discussions. You have to manage your own insecurities, identify and familiarise yourself with the various available tools and become comfortable with the digital space.

Many young people face challenges with the digital space, lack of devices internet connections and data. However there are several initiatives in place, specifically in South Africa to support digital learning. I myself live in South Africa and my institution partners with cellular network providers to assist with cheaper data, make computer labs available, free wifi etc. Our students can also embrace online learning.

I must tell you, we had to shift to online learning rather rapidly when the world was affected by Covid-19 and yes as educators, we were thrown into the deep end and had to learn to swim. But this meant that we had to also adjust to flexible times, better time management, and definitely adjust to change overnight. Therefore self motivation is imperative and one must be open to change, as change is not always bad. This course has definitely opened up my mind to several different perspectives and definitely has allowed me to embrace online learning. This is the future of education!

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