Dear friends,
The ONL141 course has reached its final destination and we would like to thank you all for all the enthusiasm and energy you have put into the work!! You have all contributed in a wonderful way to making this journey an enjoyable one for all of us!
This course website will continue to be open and all material from ONL141 will remain. As the next iteration of the course, ONL151, starts 14th of April 2015, the new course will be on the front page and you will have to look for the ONL141 under a tab. As you know, all material is open and free to use, please just remember that it is licensed under creative commons.
The Google+ community page for ONL141 will also remain open, so there is still a place to go for discussions if you like!
Those of you who were present in last week’s Final Webinar (recording can be found here: heard the discussion about the idea to bring in some of you as mentors into the spring course (ONL151). Please let us know (mail us at if you are interested in mentoring or helping out as facilitators during the spring course!!!
We would like to hear about your views on this course also in a more structured way, thus a course evaluation will be mailed out to you all.
We hope the networking initiated by the ONL course will continue, for us to support each other also in the future and a sense that we are ONL alumni…
For now, what remains is to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Kind regards,
The Course Team