In the other blogs posts, I have summarized my insights on each topic. The ONL course has given me confidence to navigate in the digital world of learning and pushed my boundaries beyond what I could have ever imagined. The topic on creative commons licences was new to me but helped me understand sharing of … Continue reading Topic 5: Lessons learnt – Future practice →
Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning
This was an interesting topic and I was looking forward to learning new tools and methods of developing online and blended learning. To my surprise the module contained topics that I had had in mind but never quite separated conceptually. The social presence, the cognitive and the teaching presence. These three are important for a … Continue reading Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning →
Topic 3 Learning in Communities; Networked Collaborative Learning.
This was topic 3 that proved an initial challenge to get deep into the subject matter. Due to change in time zones I missed the webinar and the tweet chat (this latter due to the late hour). I later accessed the recording twice but it was not the same as attending the synchronous event. This … Continue reading Topic 3 Learning in Communities; Networked Collaborative Learning. →
Topic 2; Open Learning, Sharing and Openness
This topic got me engaged as I had to study newer concepts in depth on licenses resources. I have never reflected on what openness would mean to me in my teaching and in social engagement. Having gone through topic two, openness can mean the materials being taught and sharing with colleagues. Openness is also about … Continue reading Topic 2; Open Learning, Sharing and Openness →
Topic 2 Openness and Sharing
As a group we decided to use Voice Thread for presenting our discussion on opennes and sharing; the URL link is posted above. Check out our work here
Digital Literacy
Having shared and heard experiences on the digital age, I must say it was a steep learning experience. I thought I was digital literate but I soon found out there was much more to learn in the digital space than I had anticipated. These last two weeks have suddenly opened my horizons in the digital … Continue reading Digital Literacy →
Connecting week
Connecting week Funny week this was; I thought I knew and was conversant with some digital tools but I soon realized I had to learn to connect to my group. This gave me a challenge I had never expected to carry through. Learning how to set up twitter and a blog. I do use other … Continue reading Connecting week →
ONL191 course
This a new exciting course am taking; ready to learn new things i never thought I’d get to learn.
Just connecting to group members for the first time. Check out our work here