
Reflections 2019-05-17 13:44:00

It is time to reflect on my ONL learning journey!“The To focus even more on my strengths, and my lived-experience That I try, and sometimes I am going to “fail”, depending on if I see to the process or to the product.  Perhaps “the greatest le…


Reflections 2019-05-16 15:28:00

Design is important – but first, the teacher must set focus on the students (group-interaction).Creating Groups that can learn to work – A team-work!E.g. Cleveland-Innes and Cambell (2012) presents evidence of emotions present in online enviro…


Reflections 2019-03-13 17:53:00

Let me (please)… be the “opponent”I do not buy it!…. You know, like the boy, in the “Emperor’s new clothes”. Have you read that book? All that “digitisation” does to us as “creatures” is not good… End of discussion! Hand on the heart is not …