
Design is important – but first, the teacher must set focus on the students (group-interaction).
Creating Groups that can learn to work – A team-work!

E.g. Cleveland-Innes and Cambell (2012) presents evidence of emotions present in online environments, and empirical data which suggests emotional presence may exist as a fundamental element in an online community of inquiry.

Group dynamics are important. The Group-members must be able to trust each other, and be able to be generous to give affirmations! To create a “trustworthiness” to other’s knowledge, and competence is of value in a online-learning-situation. Since the physical “distance” is present in the online course. To inspire each other, through different thinking! Is important in online-teaching. This happens, in my experience, often in “un-planned” moments. When creativity takes control. Thus, a flexibility and “daring to test” attitude, and thinking out-side the comfort-zone! As in the growth-mindset (described by Duckworth, 2013). For eg testing new digital tools, padlet etc. might create beautiful reults – that are easy to share (by eg creative commons) and collaborate with, over the world!

It is moreover, highly important to adress each student responsibilities in relation to the learning-online, in eg Group-works. The students must be confident, in taking responsibility for their own learning, and deadlines! Then they often bravely share their knowledge needs. Different strenghts is investigated and used in the learning-process. From my experience, as a teacher and as a student. Different helping-the teacher-categories, design and organization, as facilitating discourse can off-course help me to see what is expected from me as a teacher. As a structure! In relation to what Becker, Newton and Sawang (2013) describe.
I think, that good teaching is art! Its about human interaction, and to be competentto adjuste to each learning-situation…by my lived online-teaching-experience…


Becker K, Newton K, & Sawang S. (2013) A learner perspective on barriers to e-learning. Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 53(2), pp. 211-233.
Cleveland-Innes, M., & Campbell, P. (2012). Emotional presence, learning, and the online learning environment. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 13(4), 269-292.
Duckworth, A.L. (2013). The significance of the grit: A conversation with Angela Lee Duckworth. Educational leadership 71(1), s.14-20.

Reflections 2019-05-16 15:28:00