
#5 ONL Takeaways

At the end of every lesson, I ask my students to write a short reflection of their key takeaway for the lesson. Three guiding questions are: (1) What must I remember?, (2) What must I learn?, and (3) What must I do? What must I remember? Everyone is different. I am used to designing courses… Continue reading #5 ONL Takeaways


#4 Blended Learning

What is blended learning (BL)? Our group spent a lot of time debating on the definition of BL. According to Marti Cleveland, the equation is BL = online learning +in-person. Online platform allows us to overcome constraints due to space and time. By pre-recording my lecture, students can watch my lecture asynchronously at their own… Continue reading #4 Blended Learning


#3 Collaborative Learning

For the 3rd ONL lesson, we were introduced to the concept of collaborative learning. Instead of writing, I recorded a video on how I encourage collaborative learning in my teaching. Unfortunately, wordpress does not allow uploading of mp4 file. As a teacher, I believe in collaborative learning. I set projects that requires my students to… Continue reading #3 Collaborative Learning


Open Learning!

what is opening learning? I learnt that there are two paths to define open learning: Open Access and Open Pedagogy. Open Access: the materials/resources are made available on a public platform, usually free of charge or at a nominal fee. Open access has the advantage of wider reach and reputation building. I am familiar with… Continue reading Open Learning!


Who, me?

“Can an old dog learn new tricks?” In term of teaching years, I am considered an old teacher. I have been teaching in the National University of Singapore (NUS) since 1994. For my 25 years of service, I received a long-service medal from the Singapore Government during the national day in 2019. My areas of… Continue reading Who, me?