
Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning: working with resistance and queer failure.

The NMC 2019 Horizon Report states a need to ‘rethinking the practice of teaching’ in a soon to come future. Already in early 1980s the science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke said “Any teacher who can be replaced by a machine should be”, this much-repeated statement is often used to stress the need for technological … Continue reading Topic 4: Design for online and blended learning: working with resistance and queer failure.

Topic 3: Network of what? Human and non-human collaborative learning communities

The key to understand the world is the ability to learn, this is at the core of human and as well non-human systems (such as artificial intelligence). Currently, automatic and intelligent systems are ubiquitous in everyday activities and can be seen as a form of algorithmic outsourcing, but also new forms of collaborative learning enabling … Continue reading Topic 3: Network of what? Human and non-human collaborative learning communities


Signal and noise

Knowledge is to sort, select, and discard. Therefore, what is included and excluded is always a matter of power. How does it affect what we see as digital literacy (and not)?