Torii – the gate to the a „special“ place in Japan (shinto – way of gods) as a symbol for the path we went through the course and the way in front of us…
Our group memes might give an inside of the feeling and the de…
A course, a community, an approach
Torii – the gate to the a „special“ place in Japan (shinto – way of gods) as a symbol for the path we went through the course and the way in front of us…
Our group memes might give an inside of the feeling and the de…
We laugh about such historical pictures, but is this style of teaching really gone? How about new learning theories and the learning practice? Digital learning in the 21st century does not mean automatically progressive learning theories or pedagogy as Georg Siemens not so long ago pointed out: I posted my ideas to overcome this on“Nuremberg funnel is out! ?” weiterlesen
No question, that was the funniest group activity during the seminar. A quizz was designed and one group tried to solve it in a cooparative way (deviding the work), the other group in a collaborative way (thinking together). Of course the collaborative acting group could solve the problem with joy and success. For better understanding“Collaborative – Cooperative” weiterlesen
That is the message to be learned as the part of the course. Looking in my reflection diary at that time I felt „brainwashed“ and „stalked“ from the provider of the tools I have tried. Worldpress would not give up to overload me with advertisement, padlet was only free for three padlets; I faced borders“If it is open and free, you are the product.” weiterlesen
How to create something as a – so called – “Resident”, what you find not attractive as a – so called – “Visitor”? Writing a Blog here produces a lot of resistance inside the author, since blogs usually do not keep my attention, are not attractive due to ineffective way of presenting knowledge. That as“Participant – not „Visitor“ or „Resident“” weiterlesen