No question, that was the funniest group activity during the seminar. A quizz was designed and one group tried to solve it in a cooparative way (deviding the work), the other group in a collaborative way (thinking together). Of course the collaborative acting group could solve the problem with joy and success. For better understanding you might like to see the group artefact: Puzzle Version 2 – Final Video.mp4 – Google Drive

Here I would like to focus on the three reflection tasks given:

1. An occasion when real collaborative learning took place, that moved your own thinking forward

2. Your own Personal Learning Networks – how have they developed and how they could be taken further

3. Reflect on how you can use technologies to enable your own networks for learning processes

1. An occasion when real collaborative learning took place, that moved your own thinking forward

Growing up in a school system where collaborative learning was „normal“, I realized it clearly observing classrooms in Japanese schools, where collaborative learning can be seen everywhere. That made me not only reflect my own collaborative and cooperative learning, but developed my teaching in a new way. Switching this collaborative/cooparative teaching and learning online was easier than expected. The positive experience in Japan – teaching online 20 years ago – made me confidend, that collaborative/cooperative learing can be transfered to online teaching.

2. Your own Personal Learning Networks – how have they developed and how they could be taken further

My personal Learning Network is already around the world, since I meet regularly with members of the International Society for Teacher education (ISfTE) and have a long term research friendship with a Japanese educational researcher meeting frequently analog and online – sometimes also with his students to widen the learning community. The conferences of ISfTE are held in a very special style, so the learning curve in the group meetings are strong. Since the commen goal is clear (to develope better teacher eduation) the exchange is very fruitful and will grow the next years. Some members of this group will now start the first longer project together, so new ways to collaborative/cooperative are to be discovered in the next years….

Keine Fotobeschreibung verfügbar.

3. Reflect on how you can use technologies to enable your own networks for learning processes

I already recommend the ONL course to people around me and will do it more… I hope we built a competent group of learners, who are not new in the educational field, know didactics, methods and „classic“ pedagogical ideas. I hope to create – out of the personal learning network from the analog world – a group with knowledge of the ONL course, so we learn more from each other discussing the things learned in the course…

Collaborative – Cooperative