Topic 1: Online participation and digital literacies

Echoes of a “Gen X” childhood   I grew up at the end of the non-digital age (if a label was needed, Gen X would probably be nearest the mark). In my childhood, I remember my parents buying the first desktop computer for our home running on Windows 3.11 and we had to use a […]

Topic 5

This is the final reflection for the ONL course, a journey that we started a few months back. Thinking back, I have got to know new people and learned from them as well as with them how to use for instance technology, online environments and problem based learning in my teaching. In this course we […]

Topic 4

In this reflection I will mainly focus on the theme of how I as a teacher could provide support and facilitation in online and blended learning environments. Based on my experience, I would say that a purely online course is easier to arrange than a blended learning course, in which the students can choose whether […]