What did I gain from ONL ? Looking back at my ONL journey with contentment, gratitude and a sense of accomplishment, I feel this course opened several channels that will keep on flowing for my entire academic career. Knowing how… Continue Reading →
Online assessments in LLM era – will they make online assessments obsolete?
Despite it be the online environment or not, the assessments should always be aligned with the intended learning objectives and planned accordingly to assess higher order cognitive skills. The traditional view point of testing knowledge has shifted to assessing skills and application. In order to achieve this there are multitude of assessment techniques implemented. In […]
A Serenity prayer for blended learning
Picture: edited in canva.comBlended learning inevitably is the next step for Higher Ed teachers, regardless of whether this step is taken with confidence and curiosity or reluctantly and with hesitation. For me, when I think of blended learning as…
Nathasha 2023-05-01 11:17:03
Collaboration is a skill. How can we facilitate students in developing this skill through collaborative learning? Collaborative learning is defined as “a situation in which two or more people learn or attempt to learn something together,” (Dillenbourg, P.,1999). and on simplified terms as joint problem solving. Student collaboration has shown to improve outcomes if done […]
Topic#3: 1+1+…+1=N+”Emotional Support”-“The others can cover me”
In engineering discipline, everything is distilled into the numbers and while doing so the engineers work over their hypothesises without paying attention much to social perspectives, cultural differences…
Collaborative learning – keeping students motivated
The past two weeks of the Open Network Learning course have focused on student collaboration, or what we might call collaborative learning (CL). To me, this topic has revolved around how to keep students motivated in their learning experience…. Continue Reading →
Oh no. Group work…
www.pexels.com/sv-SE/license/Group work at University. Dreaded by some students and much appreciated by others. In my experience, students often question the value of having group work as part of a course. If they are graded on the group work, the…
Open Educational Practices in the Asian Context
Topic 2: Open Learning – Sharing and Openness Growing up in a typical Asian family, these values were predominant: .. The more you give away, the less you have. .. You’ve worked so hard, keep it for yourself. .. There is no free lunch in this world. If someone gives you a gift, you should […]
Open learning – how ‘open’ should and could it be in the context of medical education ?
Open learning is a relatively new concept, which has changed the traditional perceptions on higher education from ‘reserved ‘ to more ‘widely available ‘ learning resources. In this movement Open Educational Resources are made available in public domains in order to promote accessibility of knowledge and resources to a wider global community. Open learning is […]
Small steps towards digital open learning creativity
pexels-mikael-blomkvist-6476583Open access publishing, open educational resourcses (OER) and open educational practices (OEP). A lot have changed since I started my academic carrier in 2002. It is fascinating to think about how swiftly the learning env…
Topic#2: From Racing Horses to Collaborative Ants
Competition was in the middle of my life when I need to prepare for the nationwide university entrance exam along with two million students in my age. Based…
My little journey through Topic#1
Here is the my first blog post regarding Topic#1. Hope I can trigger some thoughts
TOPIC#1:Online participation and digital literacies