Working in the home office hasn’t been a new thing for me, as this has been a part of my life for more than ten years. I’ve also been a life-long distance learner by taking different online courses/certifications to upgrade myself. However, it wasn’t until after two weeks of participating in a course called “Open Networked Learning”, I realized without us noticing there has a been a change in our learning environment silently. A role change between student and teacher, from a teacher-centred education to a student-centred education. Especially now, when most of the learning activities have been converted to an online-based education, the teacher and the environment are very important in this process. To have a safe environment, where teachers and students can be partners and co-learners, where balanced communication, cooperation and collaboration can exist.

Different generations have our unique ways of learning and spreading knowledge, and also different ways to evaluate the accuracy of the acquired information. For those of us who grew up in the libraries with four walls and teaching in this new era, our challenge is to upgrade ourselves to be digital literacy, so we can better support students who grew up with social media and technology to navigate in the digital world and identify the accuracy of any acquired information. So we can all be prepared to be a good citizen in the digital world we are all in.

I believe the thinking process was the greatest aspect of this course during the last two weeks.

Digital literacy – Thoughts