It is time to summarize this course. What do I learnt during last three months?
I have start blogging for the first time ever, and find it enjoyable if I have time for reflection. Right know I´m listing to the Swedish rock band Eldkvarns brilliant interpretation of Cornelius Vreeswijks ”somliga går med trasiga skor” and try to collect my thought and find it enjoyable. I haven´t decide yet if I´m going to continue blogging but maybe. I think this is like everything else in your life, if you can find a routine that works it´s going to be a lot easier.
Of course I have been in contact with a lot of technical tools for describing our group work. Some more and some less impressive. I can´t really see the idea of using Wordcloud and will probably not using it again. One tool our group didn´t use was mind mapping. I personally used it a lot when I studied back in the nineties, but of course it was on papers those days. In some way I like to try mind mapping in digital environment. In your life you have to make chooses. I would liked to tried filming but didn´t felt I got the time during this Corona crisis, so filming will be another time.
In my courses as an educator I have seen problems and ONL201 gave me ideas how to handle it. In my last post I wrote about having a smoother introduction for better socialization. Normally I have anatomy and physiology or pharmacology courses and I realize that students learning ability is very different. I´m mostly in the nursing program and see the biggest problem in the first year. Let students discuss their learning process could be an introduction subject. Group discussion is another problem I got. Some students are really great from the beginning but some don´t know or at least not show they know how to discuss. That could also be a discussing subject or alternative I´m going to write some rules about discussion.
In this course we also talked about motivation and of course the learning process will be easier with that. But sometimes I think we forget that learning process is pretty much hard work and I´m not sure everybody realize that. I end this up with a qoute from a person how have delivered really good speeches through history ”I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat”. (Winston Churchill)
End of story.