Get some time to meet and work together
I always hoped for more activity between our meetings – a place for the group to meet, discuss, play, or just hang around together. Maybe there could be a place where PBL-group members from all the PBL-groups could go – a kind of an activity house… always someone there – always something to do…
Well we didn’t have that place so the FISh-document had to do as a way to get some “in-between meetings activity”. It didn’t go that well but there are of course reasons why.
We all are working full time – no one had time off for this course – work as normal. That really is contra productive when it comes to learning. Time is important! Focus is important! Communication is important! Practice and Testing is important!
We have to stay in the “world of learning” sufficiently long to “live it” not just mechanically “do it”.
We see, in the horizon, the need of a deeper presence is entering the scene
To reach out for this we decided to try our next PBL-meeting in a Virtual environment. We all made us an avatar, M created the room and in to the virtual world we went…
With VR-goggles and some more training it could work – maybe we could create a sense of total immersion in the ONL-environment. Maybe it could become a place where we meet to learn and test our knowledge and hypothesis? Well it was worth testing anyway.
For me?
I had to leave
First I felt like I was in prison – just one room with no doors (why would I need that anyway?),
Secondly I couldn’t talk, I just walked around randomly listening to the others in my PBL-group and some strange noice coming from a green monster avatar flying wildly around in the room… it was Björn 🙂
In the end I found a pen and wrote “HELP” “BACK TO ZOOM” on the white board
one or two group friends saw my avatar writing the message, told the others and we all went back to our zoom room and shared our thoughts and experiences there. It felt like home…
What a good group it was – and maybe we can try to meet in the virtual reality again some times…
Still I believe that it is worth trying again – GOING VR
Just think about it…
- you could become your avatar and see your friends wherever they are in the real world…
- you could leave your body in the real world…
- you could bring your experiences from the virtual world back home with you
- you could bring home everything you learned in the VR to the real world – and maybe even use it…
And what is real life anyway? Isn’t it just imagination inside that aging avatar of yours?