Yesterday and today, the Include conference takes place at Karlstad University. I have the opportunity to talk about open education as an opportunity for social inclusion. In my presentation, I will first very quickly go through what open education is, its roots and what open movements it is related to. Secondly, I will highlight some examples of how it is implemented in Sweden and last year’s regulatory change in the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance. I will finish off by showing some use cases and inititatives of how open education can contribute to a higher degree of social exclusion.
Here are some links to the examples I will highlight and below them you can find my slides: – Meta search engine for MOOCs
“MOOCs and Open Education Timeline“ by Li Yuan and Stephen Powell
Searchable Directory of More than 65 Open Universities Worldwide
The 2013 MOOC Research Inititative conference in Austin, Texas
Idea management hybrid mOOC at Karlstad University
Open Networked Learning teacher development mOOC
#PressEdConf19 – a virtual conference on Twitter about Open education
Kiron – Open Higher Education for Refugees
Universal Design and Accessibility for Online Learning MOOC
Diversity and inclusion in the workplace MOOC – ESSEC Business School
Embracing Diversity MOOC – Politecnico di Milano