I sure find myself as a teacher and as individual to be in a digital age. Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube and other IT-tools are a common in my private life, while learning management systems and communication tools as Canvas and Zoom are common in the part of my life as a teacher. However, I’m more a visitor than a resident, using the concepts discussed in the videos by David White.
As a teacher and educator, I’m interesting of the process of learning, which in a simplified way can be expressed as change in mindset or behavior. I believe that many in their role as educators still focus more on teaching, i.e. being an educator, than focusing on how students learn (and what principles, methods and tools promoting that). Hence, in this digital era, I’m curious how digital literacy can support learning.
Therefore, I’ve enrolled in a course in Open Network Learning (ONL 201), to get the possibility to apply and reflect upon different aspects of “digital possibilities” in an online course. Even if the course recently started, and one out of five topics been discussed, I already see new ways of promote learning by means of the digital possibilities.
For example, using webinars as a way of managing courses with students on distance (i.e. students abroad doing their master theses). Another example is making seminars more interactive via a digital padlet, used in the introduction lecture (topic 2) by Alastair Creelman and Kiruthika Raupathi, making the participants to reflect and indirectly create the design for coming seminars.
However, in parallel to the experiences mentioned above, I also have a feeling that the digital era/trend is driven by “digital enthusiasts”, i.e. that focus somewhat more on being digital than how digital tools support learning. Here a comparison can be made with teaching versus learning. For example, in one of the webinars several different tools were used, which to some extent created confusion among the participants. Internal discussions between the educators were to some part not focused on the participants’ learning, and simultaneously chatting while having the lecture, was from my perspective decreasing learning capabilities. Hence, the webinar, from my perspective, was rather an expression for promoting different IT-tools, but with no or little connection to learning.
This course is one step of my journey to more in-depth explore the digital world as an educator. It will be interesting to know more, and get more experiences during the course, concerning digital tools and possibilities. However, for me, the core in all type of education is learning, and it will be interesting to learn more about learning-aspects in the digital era.
Learning aspects in the digital era