When I was young. Or younger. Or at least before I turned 40… I looked upon teaching as explaining well. To be clear as a lecurer. I really liked to write and to create learning material also. Where things could be explained. This was my view as a student, a systems developer, and this was also my view when I made the decision to study to become a teacher: I wanted to know more about explaining things.
And what did I get? Well, I learned some things about different kinds of understandings, and therefore different kinds of explanaitions. Especially in math. But I also learned about different views upon learning, beaviorism, constuctivism and maybe foremost sociocultural learning. And this was really a transformation for me! I previosly thought that most thigs are absolute and measurable, but now I also saw other values. I move from my clear beaviuorist view upon learning to a more sociocultural or at least socioconstructivst. I learned about learning. And that it takes place in a context. And that this context also affects what is leared, and what is valued as knowledge. I really think I also became a more whole as a person, when I learned other values both in school and in life…
And now, working since 2015 as a pedagogical devloper in higher education, I have stayed on learning. In 2017 I came in contact with the course and the collaboration of “Open Networked Learning“. -What a wonderful community! There I have stayed on since. From that course AND the collaboration I have learned how to learn together. By being open. And to really collaborate. Without presteige or fears. And I stay on learning in both that context and in other contexts that I looove to bathe in!
What about you learning journey? Is communities important to U? I’d loooove to hear from you!