For our next task, we continued looking at the possibilities, prospects, disadvantages and challenges for Open learning models. MOOCs were thoughtfully examined, but, I still battle to see the connection, or feasibility of open models in non first world countries and in complex/technical subjects. High end qualifications such as Degrees, Honors, Masters or PHD courses with long completion time-frames also seem to be a challenge for models such as this as well. Governance, laws and general accreditation issues might also deem these qualifications irrelevant in a job interview. But that said, for soft skills this might work out OK. Then again… people vary in degrees of knowledge, and reasons, with regarding secondary knowledge and skill levels and course perceptions can vary the overall success rate of the course…. So I’m not fully convinced about this Methodology or Pedagogy as a substitute for brick and mortar, or traditional correspondence based learning. such as collages and universities.

Other Things that concern me is accreditation of lecturers that might present online. Teaching online is different to standing in front of a classroom, and engaging an audience can therefore be difficult. Skills acquired require training and practice to master, and there are not many schools that I can tell that equips a lecturer to teach on digital platforms only.

To complete the task, our artifact was a Coogle Map of the positive’s and negatives of this approach to learning. I like this new tool, and will be bringing this into my own classroom lectures.

MAPS and Meanings