
Final Stretch

We have reached the end of the road for ONL, and we are now wrapping up the final strands of the course, as well the final embers of year 2020. 2021 will be the year where we apply some of the new disciplines and tools learned this year into a “brave new world” of uncertainty […]


Hate Crime

Deliverable 4 was about putting together an agenda of sorts that would take a brick and mortar based course online. The Topic was on hate Crime, and though I found some areas of the agenda confusing, it all seemed to work out in the end. this was designed and presented by our leaders using Prezzie. […]


You’ve Been Spammed

So Topic 3 was about collaboration vs cooperation, and there were some good takeaways for this topic. The Initial idea behind the unit was to design a course on mining, but this got a little complicated. Who would have thought that digging holes and blowing up things in the ground was that complex… but yep….. […]

MAPS and Meanings

For our next task, we continued looking at the possibilities, prospects, disadvantages and challenges for Open learning models. MOOCs were thoughtfully examined, but, I still battle to see the connection, or feasibility of open models in non first world countries and in complex/technical subjects. High end qualifications such as Degrees, Honors, Masters or PHD courses […]


breakfast cereal

The scenario for the week reminds me of a movie called the “Hurt Locker”. Here, the main actor (dunno his name) of the movie bravely enters a super market, only to be faced with the daunting task of staring down the isl of countless boxes of breakfast cereals, doing all of this with the infinitely […]


Life as a New Blogger

Week 2: Still trying to master this blog thing. Links are not functioning correctly and unsure if there is enough time in the day to be a professional blogger. other than that, the fish model looks interesting and am catching up on the video’s on ONL. looking interesting and I am most certainly not used […]


First Thoughts

Hello everyone, so we kicked off with the first week or so of ONL and things are getting interesting. We did a presentation collaboration for our first task and my highlight color is purple (long story). Also got to meet the team, and, am thoroughly enjoying the overall vibe of the awesome peeps in the […]