
In the ONL-beginning

ON my course to Learn

I was so exited! 🙂 
Now I should learn how to use all these perfect tools that I’ve been looking for. There were lots of people on the course – some I knew and some were total strangers to me.
In our small PBL-group we were asked to bring a thing – a toy – and tell each other about our choice.
Already in the start I had a nagging feeling of “not understanding fully” where we were heading – they all seemed so experienced and knowledgeable…
And they were! But also very happy, open minded and – just lovely people

The First Task

The structure of problem based learning is there – but somewhat changed – we should test the FISh protocol.

Using the FISh-recipe to cook
We met up in Zoom, shared the FISh protocol, got our chairman and secretary for the meeting, identified focus points in the scenario.

The first notes looked like this:

Meeting:          Topic 1: meeting 1

Date:               2020-09-30

Time:               12:00 – 13:00 CEST

Attendees:       MG;TR;HH;BH;TP;HS;SI;MF

Lead:               TP


Note taker:      HS


Agenda & Notes

1 Topic 1 Meeting 1 (T1M1) – Sept 30: Identify the “focus” in the fish model.

T1M2 – Oct 2: Investigating stage – questions to think about: 

1. What do I want to read?

2. In which angle we should use as a group?

3. How to investigate?

BETWEEN T1M2 and T1M3, we should work on investigations on our own, with results to present on T1M3. 

T1M3 – Oct 7: share what we have found, talk about what we should share within the community.

T1M4 – Oct 9: collaboratively put work together

2 Identified focuses (Topic 1): 

  1. How can I control my privacy? How can

  2.  I set boundaries?

  3. How can I help my students to look for information? How can I help my students to navigate in an online learning environment?

3 Some other key words/points that were brought up:

  1. Creating work flow

  2. Boundaries

  3. Emotions

  4. Information overflow

  5. Multi-dimension model, missing time axis. With different situation, there will be different action which can change over time, and interpretation of the action will be changed also.

  6. Personal

  7. Privacy

5 Looking ahead

Review the focuses (point 2 above), and think about the following questions for T1M2.

T1M2 – Oct 2: Investigating stage – questions to think about: 

1. What do I want to read?

2. In which angle we should use as a group?

3. How to investigate?

4. Any suggestions for possible presentation tools and ideas?

Then chaos came to visit me…


New to it all?