• What are some key learning points you have gained about online teaching & learning, after attending ONL202?

Throughout the process I gained so much knowledge regarding the sharing of documents and how to really collaborate and to work as a team together on the same project.  The different methods used during the different topics were very interesting and I would really like to gain more knowledge about different tools to be able to use it effectively with my students or if we work as a team of Teaching and Learning Specialists on a project. 

  • Moving forward, what are your plans in the next 3-6 months, after the ONL202 course?

For me personally it was a year full of new beginnings.  It was my first year in my new position and I really did enjoy all the new challenges but it was also a challenge to keep all the balls in the air . . . but I made it!  For the next 3-6 months I want to reflect on the new knowledge and “tools” and make sure I apply it in my workplace and as a lecturer.  In my position as Teaching and Learning Specialist I work with Lecturers and help them to improve on their lecturing style and method to reach more students and I want to make sure that I apply the knowledge and skills.  It is so easy to fall back into old habits after a course and forget about the things you learned.  I want to deliberately apply these “tools” in my work environment in 2021.

  • Please share with us that moment during the course which you consider the most impressive (or memorable?) for you! Why do you feel in that way?  

I must say the whole group is very “clued-up”  and so many times I felt that my contribution was not worthy enough and sometimes I really felt as if I was one step behind. But the group and especially our group leader Alan had a way to involve everyone even if he sent a private message to encourage us to speak up.  So every time after a session even if I felt that I did not have enough knowledge after the session I felt I learned something and I really enjoy the engagement and getting to know all the group members better. 

  • What have you learned about yourself as a learner?

I need to step up and start believing in myself. Do not be afraid to take a step in the unknown. . .

  • What kind of experiences have you gathered being part of this kind of group?

You get to know the different kinds of personalities and it is very interesting to see how everyone starts to get comfortable with each other and allow the different personalities to do what each of them can do better.  I think I feel more comfortable to engage in groups like these. 

  • How would you advertise the ONL course to your colleagues: why should they attend this course? 

If I can be honest, I really did not know what this is all about and I missed the first or actually the second session and always felt as if I was behind.  I will definitely give them more information and explain to them the wonderful experience to hear and sometimes see how others all over the world handle their classes and academics and how they approach different situations

Topic 5 – Final Reflection