What I know before this topic
I never bothered thinking about all these issues. I always enjoyed things which were free (I mean, which Singaporean doesn’t??), and never thought to question on the licencing and other related issues. I always looked for references and if the sources were reputable ofcourse.
What I want to learn about this topic
I didnt even think there was anything to learn nor explore about this topic! Ha!
What I have learnt about this topic

Firstly, the TIPS framework as Guidelines for Open Resources:
T: Teaching and Learning processes
I: Information and material consent
P: Presentation product and format
S: System technical and technology

And also, to explore on learning styles to increase engagement and percieved value of the teachers’ offerings. Secondly, on the use of digital tools to effect intended pedagogy, we have to be familair with the tools and how they work so that we could apply the right tool for the right kind of setting / learning outcomes!

I am glad I spent some time exploring more on this!