
Thanks to PBL 15

Then the ONL course has come to an end. It has been a lot of work, learning and frustration as we went along, but time went fast, and all of a sudden, it is over.

During the course the things I have learned were both the obviously intentional, and also, at least for me (might not be for the course leaders), the learning that seemed unintentional. The learning that happens when I was frustrated, and did not know what I or we were doing. When thinking about what the most important thing I have learned during the course is the importance of the facilitator in this type of group where the participants do not know one another, and where it is quite unclear what is expected of us. I have also reflected a lot on the difference between collaboration and cooperation. I think I quite often tend to do the latter. That is sometimes the fastest way to get things done, but in very many cases not the best, I think. I will bring this learning with as I participate in other courses where collaboration is a key. Another thing I have learned is how to use many programs and ways of getting to a nice digital presentation that I did not know about. I always find this useful and intriguing. I definitely think technology is a great way to enhance learning, and in this course it is necessary to make the learning that takes place across boarders happen. I think that gives a perspective on all the possibilities that using technology opens for. In that sense, it can really help facilitating collaboration. After finishing the course, and reflecting on the facilitators role, I have also considered being a facilitator myself. It seems very challenging, but also such a great learning experience. I think it is a quite different role than participating in the PBLs.

In general I think I have learned how much there is to learn from the uncertainty in this type of course, and that we have to, and get to try out different ways of solving the tasks and focusing on the scenarios.  Unfortunately, I have not taken the time to look at how as many of the other groups solved the tasks as I wanted to. I really hope all this is available for us to look at for quite a bit longer. There is so much to learn about all these different ways of presenting work and reflections.

All in all it has been a great learning experience that I would gladly recommend others to take part in. I thought the ide for the last topic was such a good one, so I added a meme here too.

Thanks to the ONL team, and PBL 15 in particular.