How do we speak? And how do we listen? In different contexts? Together with different people? What is our aim and who are our audience?
In higher education we are often very formalized. We know the requirements and we can compare with other texts. We know the format and the agenda is rather strict. Then there IS blogging. Yes, some of us ARE really blogging. We talked about this in a meeting today, in a course where participants are supposed to blog. But some are struggeling with this. So we were discussing how we could help them find theis voice…?

Yes, THEIR voice… Because blogging is not so formalized or strict. It is more about your own thoghts. Your own reflections. Your own learning journey. That way it could be more personal. But the most important thing is perhaps to find YOUR way of writing a blog. YOU choose how personal it should be. You must find YOUR voice….
Of course this also depends very much on how safe you feel. Do you feel safe to out your thoughts? Reflections? Questions? We also taked about the importance of reflection and to put your reflection into words. Based on the suggestion if Gibb’s reflective cycle, I found a complete reflection toolkit, from The University of Edinburgh, that I found interesting.
So, how do you work with your own reflections? Your students reflections? Please let us build this knowledge together.