(ONL 192) Digital literacy, identity and online learning

I am born in the 1980 s, so I have grown up with internet starting to make a path to everyone’s homes in Finland. Its funny thinking about it nowadays, you had to use the telephone cable for internet access and connect by hearing the sound: “beep beep” ringing into internet and so it blocked the telephone at your house at the same time.  There wasn’t really that much knowledge of what you could do out there in the internet, at that time, among people that wasn’t into ICT . I haven’t really thought about it since that, just been in the ”tube” for the internet and the digital flow until now. Watching the digital tools, social media and internet expand and developing the skills I needed on my journey, since the 80 s. When attending the webinar for topic 1 (ONL192) and listening to David White talking about residents and visitors towards digital immigrants and digital natives and reading this article: Visitors and residents: A new typology for online engagement, among others. I realized that this is things I have been living with 24/7, without thinking about what it means for you, your identity and your career. I really feel for the way of thinking that we all can be seen as visitors and residents in the digital world. We all are good and have experience in different kinds of areas in the digital world. Davis Whites youtube videos and everything I learned by reading articles and from discussions in my PBL group, has made me realize these things existence and that they are affecting my daily life, both on a personal and a professional plan. (White, D. & Le Cornu, A, 2011)

We started working with the scenario for topic 1 in our PBL group by recognizing feelings that the scenario raised in each of us.  While reading the scenario I saw people with different kinds of digital literacy and digital skills, in different areas start working together to fulfill knowledge ”holes” in each other. I also get a bit scary feeling considering posting online in the blog, when you know it is going to be able for anyone to see. It makes me think trough it once more, before I press publish button, like a natural physiological reaction that pops up. It’s just something that comes into my mind before I make decisions on the web. Even though it entirely separates from my personal identity and life, its colored by your persona, when blogging reflections about something . That’s something to think of even from a professional and a student perspective, does it have to be kept away and how do you do it? Some people might want to keep their personal life out of the web, while others feel comfortable about blogging personal stuff. From a student perspective a blog as a learning tool, could raise same feelings? but also work as a tool for showing of own reflections in a modern way.

We continued investigating the scenario in two tracks, student perspective: how could the teacher include students with different digital literacy backgrounds? and a organizational perspective: how can a course or an organization implement and increase digital literacy among teachers? what tools or on-boarding programs are used so that everyone can enjoy and take advantage of digital learning?

When we had finished our investigation for topic 1 in our group, we found out that our two chosen tracks are linked to each other strongly and hard to separate. Earlier research noticed that teacher confidence and competence have been found to be critical factors of successful technology integration. The teacher’s attitude and preconceptions about the digital tools are important in implementation and in value for student learning outcomes and also playing an important role in influencing digital learning. The best approach to systematization of blended learning is according to Jankovic` A & Diedrichs (2019) to build up on the existing practices and experiences. The “Buildup” should focus on designing an extensive expert led training program for the teaching staff, like onboarding programs. Teachers can influence the students on the digital path with their positive attitudes, when adequate support and time to learn the technology is provided for teachers. And when they can recognize the benefit of using digital tools and learning methods in teaching. (Jankovic` A & Diedrichs P, 2019)

I have a done my masters studies in advanced clinical care, at Arcada University of applied sciences in Helsinki, all online, since last fall. So, I have a little experience in working in groups and studying online, for a year now. I am also working as a part-time teacher in nursing at Arcada and participate as a teacher in courses that go partly online, blended courses. ONL 192 has already opened my eyes for a new perspective, considering digital literacy among students and colleagues and online learning. Hoping to learn a lot more on this journey that has just begun, to develop my thinking and my role as a teacher in the future.


Jankovic` A
& Diedrichs P, 2019, Breaking digital boundaries: Teachers perspective of
ICT implementation, usability and need for training at the University of
Pristina in Current Topics in Language and Literature: An International Perspective,
pp. 123-136, Cambridge Scholars publishing. 

White, D. & Le Cornu, A. (2011) Visitors
and residents: A new typology for online engagement. First Monday, 16(9)

David White: Visitors and residents (part 1)

David White: Visitors and residents-
Credibility (part 2 )

Topic 1