Dear all,
We’ve just now had our first PBL meeting on Topic 1; big thanks to Alexia and Patrik for leading!
In order to get the collaborative group work going it is important that as many as possible join each meeting. Our next PBL meeting on Topic 1 is scheduled for Thursday 7 March, at 19.00 Central European Time. Do let me know if you cannot make it.
- At today’s meeting we discussed the scenario, which you find under the top tab ONL191 overview > Topic 1, almost at the bottom of the page. The discussion is documented in the recording which you will find linked in Google Drive > PBL group meeting, and in the Fish document for Topic 1, also under the Google Drive tab. Please take some time to review the scenario, and contribute to the discussion by adding your thoughts under the two points Focus and Investigate.
- We should also introduce ourselves as a group to the whole ONL191 community by making a presentation on Padlet. For this Alexia has prepared a number of questions that we all should anwer, see her post under Activity, and please reply to the post before Thursday 7 March.
- Our next PBL group meeting is on Thursday 7 March, 19.00 CET. We will be using the same Zoom room as today:
I hope to see you all on Thursday!
Best, Tore
Topic 1 now underway