exciting topic. It affects both, teachers and learners. Everyone can benefit
from it, but everyone must be willing to share. And maybe that’s the sticking
point …
Sharing and
The idea of sharing my materials openly for online courses has set a
defense mechanism in my mind. I’ve spent much much time in the development of these
materials and putting everything together, hours and days. And now I should
just make it available to the community? No, why? What is my personal benefit
from it? First of all, apparently nothing …
The more we have talked and discussed about this subject in our PBL
group 8 over the past few weeks, the more the idea developed that it might not
be so bad to share. In his TED talk, David Wiley gave me a very vivid insight
into the terms “open”, “openness”, “education”,
“successful educators”, “sharing expertise” and examined
them from a more sophisticated perspective. We have so many opportunities to
share knowledge with the new digital technology so that everyone benefits,
teachers and learners. For me, in addition to the moral (or perhaps selfish)
justification for not sharing my material, the copyright issue is a reason not
to share anything. Maybe more of an excuse … The video by
#watchnowvideomagazine has created a certain clarity that makes it easier to
reduce the copyright problem and gain security.
Open learning
Any medium (e.g. blogs, twitter, open course materials, facebook) that
you can use for open learning has advantages and disadvantages. More important
than the medium itself, in my opinion, is the respect and mutual trust needed
to benefit from each other. “Respect” that openly used material should be given
out of respect for the actual author. “Trust” that sources are valid and no
false knowledge is disseminated.
“ONL requires a shift in mind towards openness, combined with the right network tool to suit your teaching context.” (final conclusion PBL group 8)
This quote from the final presentation of topic 2 of my PBL group 8
summarizes “open learning – sharing and openness” very well in my
Good team, good job
- Open
education and the future, Short TED-talk by David Wiley:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rb0syrgsH6M - Creative
Commons guide. Nice short overview to
CC-licensing by Creative Commons Aotearoa New Zealand: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YkbeycRa2A